Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Spa Day!

So this is week 4 of my journey, and I'm happy to post an update to my savings thermometer:

That's really huge for me!

I'm very happy. There will be more savings to come in the coming weeks, particularly at the end of September!

In other news, today is my spa day. :) I've decided to devote Sunday to treat myself well, just because self care is important. So here are the Sunday spa day recipes I'm using this week

Avocado mayonnaise hair mask

I have a friend who is going natural with her hair and swears by this concoction. It's a deep conditioning, protein-packed treat for your hair. Your strands get natural moisturization from the avocado and vegetable oils, and protein from the egg in the mayo.

1/2 very ripe avocado (or a whole one if you have long hair)
1/2 cup mayonaise

Put those in a blender or food processor until it's very well blended. Part your hair and apply it to the roots of your hair, then smooth it onto the rest of your hair. You can use a wide-tooth comb to comb it through. Put a plastic cap on four about a half hour, then rinse out, shampoo, and condition as usual. Your hair will feel like a newborn's :D

Skin toning yogurt mask

My mother learned this when she was in modeling school not so long ago (Yes, my mama is a bombshell!). If you use it regularly it will even out your skin tone. Just take a few tablespoons of plain yogurt and add a few drops of lemon juice. Massage it onto your face and neck, and leave it on for about 15-20 minutes or until it's all dry. Rinse off with warm water. You can also use a mashed up strawberry instead of the lemon juice.

Green tea bath

My favorite part! Green tea contains antioxidants that keep your skin looking young and healthy, so why not give your skin a drink directly? First take a nice warm shower with your favorite body wash or soap. Be sure to gently exfoliate yourself all over with a rough sponge or loofah. Then I take about ten green tea bags and take the tags and strings off. I tie them up in a piece of cloth and run the bathtub half full of hot water. Throw in the teabag bag and let it steep for ten minutes. Then run some cool water. Then just soak and relax in the antioxidant, relaxing green tea goodness....ahhhh!!

I can't wait for my spa day today. Remember to treat yourself well!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Recovery Inc. Spots

Earlier in the week I posted about Recovery Inc. and how much it's helped me with my depression. Here is a video slideshow of recovery "spots," which are short reminders of what to do and remember in situations where you're feeling depressed, anxious, angry, etc. Basically they're things to recall to help keep you mentally grounded. Abraham Low is the psychologist who came up with this method at the turn of the century (and his method is still widely used today!) I watch this video whenever I need it most. Recovery International is a lifesaver for me!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Spa Days

I hearby declare that Sundays will be my spa days! If I learned anything important from my therapist (who I found through, it's that self care is important. So I will take Sundays to do nice spa-like things for myself, like taking tea baths, exfoliating, taking care of my natural hair, using facial masks, and maybe going out for a mani-pedi! It's time I learned to pamper myself, especially in the wake of my recent break-up. Spa days will rejuvenate me and get me ready for the week to come.

You don't have to go to a spa to give yourself a spa day, but it's really nice every so often. There is a really nice spa near where I live called Glen Ivy Hot Springs.

I swear this place is magic! And very affordable too. I think I want to take my mom there for her birthday this year. It's been awhile since I went, but the last time I was there I left feeling like melted butter!

Yes it's definitely good to pamper yourself. So try to establish a routine for pampering yourself, even if it's just taking an epsom salt bath and listening to relaxing music, then rubbing nice smelling coconut oil all over your body...or making a simple oatmeal mask to soften and hydrate your skin, or taking time to learn how to meditate with all the free resources online (a few of which are here, here, and here).  It's easy to forget to take care of yourself in this busy world where stress abounds, but slowing down on a regular basis is definitely worth it!

Now I'm going to rinse this yogurt mask off of my face. :)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Week 2: Things are looking up!

I'm happy because I have two clients now! One of them I found through a writer's forum and the other one I got through a letter of introduction I sent to them. They're both marketing agencies, and I get to write about some topics that I actually like!

I won't lie, last week was HARD. For the past two weeks I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues. My birthday was a week ago, and I didn't enjoy it much because my mom was sick. I live with her and I had to take care of her. Also, I am going through a breakup which has been really hard on me. Before I got these two clients, I was mostly writing for Textbroker, which is a content mill that doesn't pay that much. And even then I wouldn't work regularly because gosh, it's so hard to write 10-15 articles for $3.50 each. Especially when you're depressed. It's demoralizing after awhile. With my clients I have to write a set number of articles each week, so that was a tough adjustment to make. I was alternating between writing (or trying to write), crying over my ex, feeling utterly depressed, and taking care of my ailing mom.

I don't think I would have made it through if it weren't for my friends and Recovery Inc. Recovery Inc. is a self help program I came across a few years ago. It taught me a lot of ways to function despite my depression symptoms. I went to a few online meetings and it helped a lot. I've been struggling with my depression a lot through the years, but Recovery has made things more bearable.

As for my break up, I miss my ex a lot... :( I'll get through it though.

I can't wait to update my savings thermometer next week!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Living in the Moment

I like this cartoon. :) Isn't it true, though? How often do we find ourselves living in another moment, instead of being present in the moment we're in? I practice meditation, and it's a great practice in being in the present moment. I also reminded myself today that I should enjoy the things about my life that I have right now instead of always thinking about "When I get to Ghana this, when I get to Ghana that..." It's good to visualize, but its also good to enjoy your life where you are. As one of my favorite people in the world Ze Frank once said, life is more than just a series of waiting for things to happen. :)

That said, there are a few things I really have to do in the near future!

  • Visit Sprinkles Cupcakes, a bakery that was a winner on Cupcake Wars (I love Food Network)
  • Go to Universal City Walk
  • Go dancing
  • Get started on a craft project I've been putting off
I love living southern Cali, and I'll miss it when I'm gone, so I should try to enjoy my time here instead of taking it for granted.

Week 1 - The Power of a Determined Soul

There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control
The firm resolve of a determined soul.
~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox, author and poet

I first read that quote awhile ago, when I was reading a book on time and life management. I think I was 17 at the time. Despite being very intelligent, I was also scatterbrained and quite disorganized. Also, I had trouble following through on things. I had it in my mind that if I could just find the one answer, the magic bullet that would help me be better, then my life would improve drastically.

Well it's been 11 years, and I have since discovered that no such magic bullet exists (though I applaud my younger self's efforts). I was up against a lot of factors that I was mostly unaware of at the time, including clinical depression, lack of life direction, and the severe self doubt that comes with growing up in a dysfunctional family. None of these things were my fault, but I did have to do the work to overcome them. In fact, I still am doing that work.

Two years ago, I had just left an abusive marriage, and I was a nervous mess who couldn't stand loud noises or even go outside. I was wound up so tight, and my depression had gone mostly unchecked. I could barely function from day to day, must less pursue my dream of returning to Ghana to reunite with my daughter, who was living there with her dad. I had wanted her to stay with her dad's family to get to know her dad's culture, and I honestly felt I was in no condition to take care of her the way she needed to be taken care of.

The last two years have been lots of trial and error. Lots of therapy, lots of self help books, lots of advice, support, and love from family and friends. Lots of pints of ice cream, lots of tears, and even lots of empty wine bottles. But at the same time, there have been lots of aha moments, lots of healing, lots of growing, and lots of forgiveness, of myself and of others.

Oh, and I am a freelance writer. When I first started, I could barely make $100 in a month due to my illness and lack of knowledge of the industry. Now I have clients that pay me much better, and I can make $300 to $500 dollars a week, depending on how much work I have that week. I also have a part time job as a caretaker. I still struggle with depression, but it doesn't keep me from working now. I'm realizing my dream of being a self sufficient adult, and of returning to Ghana to start a new life and be reunited with my daughter. It's a life I have been dreaming of for years.

So for the next ten weeks, I will document all of my income on this blog, along with any insights or struggles or other relevant tidbits. Thanks for joining me on my journey. It really has been a long time coming, and the next ten weeks will be a real time of growth for me.